The different methods that people are using to make purchases has undergone an evolution over the past 10-15 years, primarily due to the exponential growth of Internet-based commerce. It is a natural and logical progression to address the fact that with this change in how consumers purchase goods and services, your sales approach should also...Read More
You might have just gotten lucky with good sales, or you may have carefully planned your approach to finding customers. Whether you already have a solid customer base, or you’re seeking to attract customers, taking the time to understand buyers’ journeys gives businesses that much more of a chance to succeed. The concept of the...Read More
The Evolution of Product Marketing: From Print to PDF to Digital and Ecommerce Websites With few exceptions, printed catalogues have become a thing of the past; ancient like rotary phones and bulky telephone books that companies used to reach customers at home. Besides the more obvious reach and distribution limitations of printed catalogues, they’re expensive...Read More