Shopping for gifts and celebration supplies often occurs in a frenzy of holiday activity. As millions of people prepare to host family feasts, swap presents, and ring in the new year, the retail sector explodes. From household items to specialty gifts to groceries, holiday shopping defines the season for thousands of brands. The question is:...Read More
Every small business in the modern era needs an online presence. Your customers, even those who live down the street, start their shopping process with an online search. They look for local shops, restaurants, and service providers on Google Maps. They check the reviews, explore the website, and browse online inventories or service pages before...Read More
In Part 1 of How to Optimize Your Social Media Marketing Profiles, we walked you through setting up the look and feel of your profiles. Now it’s time to cover the final 7 steps to take in setting up a professional-calibre profile on each of the social media platforms you choose to promote your business...Read More
In the wide and highly competitive world of social media marketing, it’s all too easy to get caught up in chasing the latest social media marketing trends and the busywork of posting content and maintaining your social media presence on numerous platforms. Ideally, you aren’t spreading yourself too thin for the sake of participating on...Read More
As far as business marketing is concerned, the holiday season calls for some serious planning and marketing ideas! Come this holiday season and all brands and companies start work on promotional campaigns and other activities that would lead to maximum sales. Planning ahead could mean starting the process of ideation even a year in advance!...Read More
Marketing your brand is a full-time job. Unless you have the time or in-house resources to promote the heck out of your brand, letting a marketing company do the job for you makes good business sense. You can engage a full-service marketing company to handle every aspect of brand building and advertising – from planning,...Read More
Social media is an important marketing channel that every business should take advantage of, and If you own a tech company, social media marketing is especially important. Here are a few reasons why your tech company needs to start building a social media presence if you haven’t already. #1 Reach the Right Audience: The demographics...Read More
When you think about social media marketing for tech companies, Instagram probably isn’t the first platform that comes to mind. After all, isn’t Instagram mostly for fitness, fashion or artsy businesses? How could a site flooded with fitness models and coffee art be useful for a tech company? Surprisingly, some of biggest names in tech...Read More
Most businesses have no idea how to work with influencers, let alone develop an influencer marketing strategy and approach. They’ll gather a list of every influencer in their industry they can find. They’ll spend hours crafting the perfect proposal email, then spend days sending it out–only to never receive a single response. Sound familiar? If...Read More
There are a ton of ways to market to potential customers these days. The traditional methods, like radio, TV, and print media are still used occasionally, but most companies focus online. Social media, SEO, and paid advertising are some common ways of reaching customers. One method that’s remained in style despite its relative old age...Read More